2013 Cigar of the Year

A lot went into deciding which cigar would be the Stogie Rite 2013 cigar of the year. Many cigars were smoked and reviewed, but choosing just one is the hardest part. When examining a cigar, I look for overall flavor, construction, aroma, complexity, and finish. Finding a cigar that reaches perfection in those categories is hard, but possible.

For 2013, the Davidoff Nicaragua Tubos Rosado Robusto was the obvious choice for cigar of the year. This cigar rocked the categories mentioned above. Not only are the flavors phenomenal, but this cigar pairs well with almost any drink. Flavor-wise you get sweet pepper, roasted nut, floral notes, and coffee combined with a very tasty Habano wrapper. This stick provides everything you can possibly want in a cigar:  perfect burn, draw, and smoke output. Fantastic for both a first-time cigar smoker and a pro.

Stogie Rite isn't even a year old yet and we already have a solid following. Much appreciation goes out to those who follow on Instagram and those who read the reviews. Here's to another great year!

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