Warped La Hacienda

The La Hacienda created by Warped Cigars is a great Cuban styled cigar, that offers a completely unique flavor profile. I picked up flavors I never thought I would while smoking a cigar. This Nica Puro only comes in two sizes (Corona, Robusto), but it is definitely a cigar to stash in your humidor. Let's get it reviewed.

1/3 - Right when you get this cigar lit up, you are hit with a very creamy, earth-like flavor mixed with floral notes. On the finish, stay with me here, I'm picking up some citrus (lemon is dominant) and milk - yes, milk. The draw is very cooperative, the burn is nice and even, and it's producing a good amount of smoke.

2/3 - Approaching the halfway section, the initial flavors are basically the same. Except for a bit of sweetness coming in to mix with the earthy/floral flavors. The floral notes are hanging around a bit longer now, enough to make it to the finish. The milky flavors are still lingering as well. The cigar still has a nice even draw, a great burn, and still producing great smoke.

3/3 - Coming to the end of the cigar, the initial flavors change from the sweet earthy/floral to a pepper flavor with hints of cedar - a nice flavor transition. On the finish, we end with some hints of citrus as the milky flavor finally fades out. A very unique cigar in terms of flavor - I highly recommend it.

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