Foundry: War of Currents Madison

The Foundry War of Currents Madison measures 6x57 with a dark tan, smooth oily wrapper with a rich earthy aroma. From Cigar Aficionado: "Through tobacco and decorative packaging, this new cigar line aims to retell the story of the 19th century scientific rivalry between Thomas Edison, who was a proponent of direct current (DC) electrical power, and Nikola Tesla, who advocated alternate current (AC)." Foundry is definitely one of the most unique cigar companies in the industry. Let's get it lit up.

When you get it lit up, you get a very smooth chocolate, leather flavor with a somewhat strong spice on the finish. The finish is pretty long, so the spice is going to linger for a while. The burn isn't even through the 1/3 point, but the draw is good, and it's producing a lot of smoke. 

The 2/3's point brings a little change. The spice on the finish has become a little more mild along with the chocolate flavor. The flavor on the finish has become more of a basic tobacco flavor. Through this point, the finish is still just as long as before. The burn has evened itself out, the draw is still nice, and the smoke output is still producing a lot of smoke.

3/3's to the end, the cigar literally has almost no changes. The only thing I will point out is the spice has gone away. The flavors are still the same (tobacco flavor on the finish, and a leathery earth on the initial draw). A nice smoke featuring a somewhat even burn, a nice draw, and great smoke output. Easy to recommend.

Stogie Rite score: 90

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