The Redneck Rest
If you follow the cigar community on the social media site Instagram there's a good chance you've already come across one or more of the products made by Redneck Fabrications. Redneck Fabrications designs and creates virtually unbreakable cigar accessories made of steel to hold your cigar while you handle your other manly tasks.
The most popular item made by Redneck Fab is pictured above, the Redneck Rest. The Rest looks great on the hood of a car, the seat of a fishing boat, sitting next to you on the gun range, on your dashboard helping you survive traffic without going to prison, in your Humvee while you impose your will, on your tool bench, next to your BBQ or smoker... You can let your imagination take over. If you leave it outdoors it will begin to rust, which looks amazing, adding more character to your rest. You can also throw a coat of paint on any of your Redneck Fab products to personalize them or just to make them look even 'badder'.
The man behind it all is Kevin Taylor who, wielding a welding torch like a broadsword, designs and creates all of the products available through Redneck Fab. I've met Kevin and he is definitely a man worthy of your support. He is very friendly and a good businessman and, on top of that, the gear is amazing.
Ability to multitask like a boss: Check.
The Redneck Shortie
If you're interested in picking up your own, American made, Redneck Fab items, you should drop everything (children included) and head to the company website Follow Kevin on Instagram @itskmft and check out the Redneck Fab products already in use by the global cigar community by searching the hash tags #redneckfab and #redneckrest.
Now if you'll excuse me I have to go fight off a bear while rebuilding an engine - good thing I have my Redneck Shortie to hold my cigar.
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